American Flagfish Care
- Sexual differences: Males are colorful, while females are dull brown. Females are fuller bodied, with less elongated fins.
- Minimum Tank Size: 48 inches (55 gallon) longer is better than wide
- Aquarium : Water Temperature 66-72°F (19-22°C)
- Hardness: Hard 6-20 dH (12),
- pH 6.7-8.2 (7.7)
- Care Level: Easy
- Temperament: Semi-aggressive
- Max. Size: Size/Length: To 2.3" (6 cm)
- Feeding and Diet: Food Flake; live; insect larvae, insects, worms, crustaceans; spinach; algae.
- Difficulty of care: 3. This hardy species is ideal for a temperate community
- Suggested companions: Livebearers, Loricarids, Corydoras , minnows.
- Color Form: Blue, Green, Red