They are commonly called peach anthias because of their coloration. Their overall body color is yellowish orange. Females typically have peach colored upper bodies and pale lavender to white underbodies. They also have stripes on their tales. Males have bright red dorsal fins and lack the tail striping. This species ranges in size from 3-5 inches. They have an average life expectancy of 3-5 years.

Peach Anthias Care Level : Moderate to Difficult
These fish are considered reef safe and will make excellent additions to your marine reef tank. In the ocean, they are commonly found on the outer reefs where there is very strong water movements and providing strong water movement using multiple powerheads in your aquarium will most likely be rewarded with increased activity from this fish. Open tops could spell trouble with these beauties because they will jump when frightened.
Many anthias demonstrate intolerance to bright light. The dispar is a shallow water swimmer and therefore accustomed to higher light levels. However you should provide them with plenty of living rock both to hide in and around and as a source of nutrition.